PAYDAY 2: The Weapon Balance Open Beta and Update 90.1 is live

We’re live with update 90.1 and the Weapon Balance open beta!
You completed the weekend challenge before the weekend. We salute you! The Tormentor Mask is now available for all players!
Update 90.1 size: 25.1 MB
- Added the Tormentor mask
We have also gone live with an open beta. In this beta, we’ve added the weapon balance changes OVERKILL_Jules have been discussing with members of the community in the following thread on reddit:
By giving us your feedback on these changes, we hope to add these to the live game as soon as possible. Please share your feedback in the thread which you’ll find here:
1) Restart Steam
2) Right click on PAYDAY 2 in your Steam library
3) Go to properties
4) Go to the "BETAS" tab
5) Switch to open_beta (there is no password)
6) Press "CLOSE"
7) Download the update
Do this at your own risk. You might lose your save file so please back it up before you start. This is a beta so the game might crash during play.
Open beta update size: 30.1 MB
- All weapons have had their ammo pick up rate increased. Weapons with a high total ammo will benefit most from this change
- All Assault Rifles have had their accuracy increased by 8
- M1014 Shotgun: Damage has been increased from 30 to 40
- Predator 12G Shotgun: Damage has been increased from 30 to 40
- Izhma 12G Shotgun: Damage has been increased from 23 to 33
- Steakout 12G Shotgun: Damage has been increased from 23 to 33
- Street Sweeper Shotgun: Damage has been increased from 23 to 33
- STRYK 18 Pistol: Damage has been decreased from 38 to 35
- Chimano 88 Pistol: Damage has been decreased from 38 to 35
- Deagle Pistol: Damage has been decreased from 160 to 145
- Crosskill Pistol: Damage has been decreased from 80 to 65
- Bernetti 9 Pistol: Damage has been decreased from 40 to 37
- Bronco .44 Revolver: Damage has been decreased from 190 to 175
- Interceptor 45 Pistol: Damage has been decreased from 80 to 65
- Chimano Custom Pistol: Damage has been decreased from 80 to 65
- Gruber Kurz Pistol: Damage has been decreased from 40 to 37
- Signature .40 Pistol: Damage has been decreased from 80 to 65
- Chimano Compact Pistol: Damage has been decreased from 40 to 37
- Broomstick Pistol: Damage has been decreased from 40 to 37
- LEO Pistol: Damage has been decreased from 80 to 65
- Peacemaker .45 Revolver: Damage has been decreased from 195 to 180
- Matever .357: Damage has been decreased by from 195 to 180
- Gunslinger: Akimbo Pistols will now benefit from the skill in the same way as pistols. Akimbo Pistols now receive a damage increase of 15 instead of 7.5
- Disturbing the Peace: The panic effect can now trigger off of all weapons
- Fixed an issue where some shotguns didn’t fire all 12 pellets
- Fixed an issue where the projectile fall off on some shotguns were too severe.
- Normalized the projectile fall off difference between all shotguns.
- Fixed an issue where the Accuracy bonus from crouching and aiming down sight didn’t apply properly
Thanks for your help!
OVERKILL – a Starbreeze Studio.
Via: Steam Community