PAYDAY 2: The final five Completely OVERKILL mask concepts

Above you see the concept art for the five final Completely OVERKILL Pack masks! What do you think? Share your thoughts in the comments section below, in the community hub and the PAYDAY community subreddit.
The Grin was once the face representing a man’s breakdown as he had to accept defeat. But now the times have changed, and the same man is back again, stronger than ever before. Rejuvenated and ready to take on the world with a determined fierceness and cunning, the mask still represents the face of a mad man, but a mad man that is winning.
The mask is modeled after a legendary bear that was known to terrorize humans and other animals in an Eastern land far, far away. The story is wildly popular in the criminal underworld, and getting compared to the fierce beast is considered a great honor, reserved only to the greatest and most ruthless criminals.
Gage has given his favorite ballistic mask an upgrade. Before it was only practical, now it’s also stylish.
In issue #34 of The Amazing Career Criminals, we saw the assumed death of Doctor Crime, but fear not – the Doctor is back! With a new power armor and a fancy new mask, he’s set to take out his vengeance against our unknowing heroes.
All his life Jeremy only wanted was to be a dentist, but fate had other plans for him. After dying in a gruesome car-crash, he was somehow animated back to life again. Unfortunately, his past dreams died the day of the crash, and the only thing Jeremy wants now is to suck out the brains of the living.
Read more about what the Completely OVERKILL Pack is here:
You can check out the previous five masks here:
Keep those helmets flying!
OVERKILL – a Starbreeze Studio.
Via: Steam Community