PAYDAY 2: Skills Beta Update 6

Update 6 changelog
Update size: 15.3Mb
- Ballistic Vest dodge penalty reduced from -30 to -10
- Lightweight Ballistic Vest dodge penalty reduced from -25 to -5
- Heavy Ballistic Vest dodge penalty reduced from -35 to -15
- Flack Jacket dodge penalty reduced from -40 to -20
- Combined Tactical Vest dodge penalty reduced from -45 to -25
Perk Decks
- The dodge bonus from the Basic Composure, Advanced Composure and Expert Composure for the Crook Perk Deck has been reduced from 10% to 5%
- Reduced the armor bonus from Iron Man: Basic (Enforcer – Armorer) from 40% to 30%
- Reduced the armor gained from Bullseye: Basic (Enforcer – Armorer) from 10 to 5
- The required distance to an enemy for Spotter Teamwork: Aced (Mastermind – Sharpshooter) to trigger has been reduced from 25m to 10m
- Reduced the duration of the damage bonus from Overkill: Basic (Enforcer – Shotgunner) from 30 sec to 20 sec
- Fire duration for the Fire Trap: Basic (Technician – Breacher) are reduced from 20 sec to 10 sec
- Decreased the amount of health damage taken with Frenzy: Aced (Fugitive- Brawler), the reduction of the damage is now 60% instead of 50%
- Reduced the blast radius of grenades and dynamites from 10m to 5m
- Fire duration for the Molotov Cocktails are reduced from 25 sec to 15 sec
- Grenades and Dynamite damage increased from 300 to 400
Happy Hunting !
Via: Steam Community