PAYDAY 2: Update 120

It’s soon time for Halloween so we are preparing ourselves for our most crazy Halloween level so far! So while you’re waiting we decided to pimp up the safehouse for you and added a new van skin so you can really embrace the night of the dead.
We have also fixed some issues for you, so stay tuned because this Halloween will put you to the test.
Overkill_joakim & Overkill_Stampe
Update size: 214.7 Mb
- Added new continental coins counter to the end game screen
- Fixed coin counter being off when gaining multiple coins
- Coin counter will scale to display large amounts of coins better
- Fixed an issue with Captain Winters spawning with only one phalanx unit
- Fixed an issue with textures missing on the back of some masks when using an AMD graphics card
- Fixed an issue with the color of the eyes in the The Death Wish Skull mask
- Changed the damage of the Plainsrider Bow from 1500 damage to 1000 damage
- Changed the damage of the Light Crossbow from 1500 damage to 750 damage
- Changed the damage of the Heavy Crossbow from 4000 damage to 2000 damage
- Changed the damage of the Pistol Crossbow from 750 damage to 350 damage
- Changed the damage of the English Longbow from 4000 damage to 2000 damage
- Fixed an issue where the wrong numbers would be shown in inventory if the player used explosive or poison bolts or arrows
- Fixed an issue where the mod gui would not show correct colours for weapon mod changes if the player had silenced weapon damage skills
- Weapon mods will now show "Not enough cash" when the player can not afford them
Beneath The Mountain
- Fixed a crash that occurred if you came out of Swansong during the escape in the helicopter on Beneath The Mountain
Big Bank
- Fixed an issue where smashing the atrium roof in Big Bank would not alert the civilians below correctly
Big Oil
- Fixed an issue where the pressure gauges on Big Oil Day 2 were missing
New Safe House
- Fixed trophies being able to be toggled using the mouse in the Safe House
- Tweaked how much money is needed to be show in the new Safe House
- Fixed an issue there the incorrect wave was shown for drop-in clients
- Fixed an issue with the Safe House daily resetting its timestamp if the player talks to the contractor NPC in the Safe House
- Fixed an issue where you could play the Safe House Raid before visiting the safehouse
- Fixed an issue where active mutators on a client would disable achievements even though the game had no active mutators
Via: Steam Community