PAYDAY 2: Spooky Scary Halloween Update

Once upon a heist so dreary, while I held my ground, weak and weary,
Many a-SWAT came at me, carrying rifles, and pistols galore
While I battled, fought the hoard, a sudden pain, I was swiftly floored
A sharp pain, I now stored, my chest pounding, a pain I’ve never felt before
"’Tis some sniper." I muttered "Put a round in my armor –
Only this and nothing more".
But… distinctly I remember, by the window, Wolf my crew member;
Taking shots, aimed to dismember, such precision, just moments before
High or low, he cleared the street, I can’t fathom a sniper on roofs so neat
Yet I lay, I am now truly beat, I see the shape, a shadow, in the far door
Armor thick, and weapon hot, the best of the best in the police corps
Only he and no one more.
Ears deaf, explosions and screams, "Oh shit! Bulldozer!" He is noticed, it seems
Gunfire fills the air, like firecrackers, like applause or joyous cheers
I dream of a great time, recently had, of fellow heisters all jolly and glad
Shooting balloons, an idea so mad, a celebration of 10 great heisting years
We revered together, every one of us, all the heisting peers
The greatest robbers, without fears.
With much enthusiasm, it would seem, many a-new heisters, joined our team
Camaraderie is the theme, as all are welcome, and many more
Now be a good day for crime, if one is so inclined, join us now, the hour is prime[]
Join our crew, it is your time, open to everyone and to all, is our door
Heisting is best with friends indeed, and a full crew of heisters four
You’ll be victorious, evermore.
Where am I now? Am I now transferred? Transmitted somewhere, truly absurd
I am bewildered, I am stirred, desolate plains not even a tree
A man in a tall hat, deathly face, long black coat with bleached bones, set in place
Luke Millanta is his name, a suit maker ace, suits, charm and masks he shows to me
“Come closer”, he says, “See my creations”, “I offer them to you, all for free”
“Come and see, what I offer”[], is his plea.
I put on a suit, admire the cuts, the stitches, Luke is surely, giving away his riches
Suddenly, the walls are narrow like roadside ditches, and many enemies, are present too
Wealth in a box, a safe with a lock, surveilled by the most, relentless clock
Around and around I run, my foes are in shock, this cursed kill room, I rush through
Bright green eyes, effigies of malice, look upon me like a hawk upon a shrew
Is there nothing I can do?
Now again, a shift of locale, All look so strange, truly outside any rationale
Wake from this dream I swiftly shall, now that another tormentor rise above me
Like a mountain, he towers upon high, “What’s next?” I ask as bags fall from the sky
Am I now to cook, to stir and fry. What else is there? This tormentor I can’t fight or flee
I feel taunted and tested like a rat in a lab, What could the purpose of this tormentor be
Ever unknown to me.
Again the nightmare takes a sinister turn. Now I’m in prison, a quick discern
I wish from this terror to promptly adjourn, and please my tormenter is the price to pay
He loomed above with a wheel in hand, “Spins this one, it will be mighty grand”
I do now as he did command, I won’t argue with someone taller than I can convey
I deftly maneuver through the compound ground when to my dismay
“Spin another one” he did say.
I blink and now, another change, again my venue fell under an exchange
The house I am in now feels safe yet strange. Perhaps this will be better than before
Oh no I’m in peril, it’s a nightmare, trapped with headless fiends are everywhere
I need to wake from this affair, I can not take more terror and gore
My mind is aching, hands wildly shaking, my body been beaten and sore
I miss my heisters four.
From oblivion abruptly I awake, the words “GET THE FUCK UP!” in my ears ache
As the light returns and I see my fate, I am now to where I been before
Above me, stands my benevolent keeper, scolding me for my visit to the reaper
I hear the roar of the street sweeper, my energy is restored once more
Perhaps I should leave heisting to these skilled professionals four
I should heist no more, fo’ sure!
Quoth the Heister “Give me more!”
OVERKILL – a Starbreeze Studio.