PAYDAY 3: Update 1.1.3 Changelog
Hello Heisters,
As we gear up for an intense summer for the PAYDAY 3 team, more and more features are finishing up painting a more clear image of what the game should be. Our focus has been on stability and ensuring we can deliver what we want at the pace you want, and now finally we’re starting to see the fruits of that labor.
This feature lets players join ongoing session, either in lobby or ongoing heists. This is our first iteration of quickplay and is a feature we hope to build on going forward.
For instance, what kind of filters beyond difficulty would you want? When should it be “too late” to join an ongoing game? When the escape is made available, or when half the loot is secured? These choices will affect regular matchmaking as well as Quickplay, so let us know what you think!
Post-Game Party-Up
To help players find like-minded heisters with whom to do crime, there will now be an option post-game to let players vote to stick together as a party. Any players who click will be partied up, after all, crime is better with friends
Top Crash Causes Fixed
We’ve made significant improvements to our backend, making sure that games should be more stable overall. We solved the top offenders causing servers to crash or matches to fail, around 90+% of server crashes and with this patch, around 70% of client (game) crashes.
The game should be a lot more stable going forward, thanks to everyone that chooses to report when those pesky crashes do happen, it really helps.
Shock Grenade
We’ve mentioned this grenade both in its own blog post and a dev update video, so we’re probably tapped out on “shocking” puns.
This grenade will create a short-time shock effect on the ground, disabling any enemy caught within. The big metal shields of the Shield units, the battery packs of the Zappers, and all the high-tech gear of the Techie will react poorly when faced with the high-intensity electrical currents of the shock grenade, killing them all instantly - nice.
Unlock the Shock Grenade by reaching Infamy Level 39.

Skip Mission Intro
You can now skip the intro fly-over, it'll be skipped if all coop players or a single solo player vote to do so by pressing ‘escape’ on PC, ‘X’ on PS5 or ‘B’ on Xbox. We even added a settings option always to skip, should you prefer.
Escape Van Open for Business
Back by popular demand, you can now again feel the warm embrace of the escape van’s luxurious (and bullet proof) interiors as you jump inside the back to hide from the storm of bullets aimed at your face.

Unique Assault Rifle Inspect Animations
The KU-59, Northwest B-9, CAR-4 and VF-7S have each received their very own inspect animations as well as an animation improvement pass, so they should look a bit better when still and in motion. We’ll keep rolling these out as our animation team make them!
Known Issues
- Using ‘Hacker Aced’ alongside ‘Scrambler base’ should detonate Techie gun drones in a small area EMP, stunning those around it. Currently, while the drones will still detonate, the EMP effect is currently not working, meaning it won’t stun when detonated. A fix will be in the next patch.
- If inspected when it’s completely out of ammo, the VF-7S will appear with a displaced barrel.
- Certain weapons will appear with displaced attachments when previewed. This is not reflected in any heist but is only visible in their preview.
- Fixed issue where players can prevent guards from triggering the alarm using throwing knives
- Fixed an issue RDS sights were slightly offset from crosshair
- Fixed an issue where the firing animation could be triggered while sprinting when the player had an empty magazine
- Reduced Thermal Lance start time to 3 seconds
- Fixed an issue where the crew AI might block bags making it difficult to secure the loot
- Implemented improvements to the player crouch walk animation
- Fixed an issue where the skill "Routed Ping" would not mark the techie
- Improved AI's ability to see bags
- Disabled detection build up on already panicked civilians
- Fixed an issue where the crew AI wouldn't revive the player after getting cuffed by the Cloaker
- Fixed an issue on the 'Dirty Ice' level where the guards wouldn't react to shattered windows
- The enemies will now pursue players more aggressively if they are out of firing range
- The techie now hides within 30 meters of the player instead of "at least 30 meters" from the player
- Vlad got a new portrait
- Fixed FPS issues for XSS players
- Various social screen fixes, most notably a bug limiting the number of Nebula friends, and several bugs causing friends not to appear have been resolved.
- Improved matchmaking to prioritize coop lobbies when choosing to play public
- Potential crash fix for holding a deployable when a Mamba grenade explodes
- Fixed an issue where certain resolutions would not work as intended for fullscreen
- Fixed various resolution issues
- Fixed a crash that occurred when changing upscaling settings
- Added Black Carat mask and I Own NY mask pattern Nebula sign-up rewards
No Rest for the Wicked
- Added Armor Repair Kit spawn locations
Dirty Ice
- Added Armor Repair Kit spawn locations
- Fixed an issue where bags did not respawn when thrown out of bounds
- Fixed an issue where smoke from player thrown grenade was visible through solid objects
Under the Surphaze
- Added Armor Repair Kit spawn locations
- Fixed escape helicopter collision
- Fixed an issue where the loot bags might get stuck inside a concrete pipe
- Fixed an issue where invisible collision blocked a sniper from taking damage
- Fixed an issue where the escape timer would not reset if a player left the Escape zone
- Fixed an issue where guards would not move between floors when searching
- Fixed an issue where not all the platform lights were disabled after switching them off
- Improved Enemy AI pathing
Gold & Sharke
- Added Armor Repair Kit spawn locations
- Fixed an issue where you could interact with wirebox after completing the objective
- Fixed an issue where player could throw the bags out of bounds with catapult skill
Rock the Cradle
- Fixed an issue where the player wasn't able to walk next to the handrails
99 Boxes
- Added Armor Repair Kit spawn locations
- Fixed an issue where players could get blocked by Crew AI spawning inside a container
- Fixed an issue where the loot bags might get stuck between a truck and a cargo container
- Fixed an issue where the player could throw bags out of bounds
- Fixed an issue where optional objectives would disappear if you bagged it and then proceeded to unlock exterior QR LOCK
- Fixed an issue where the player could get permanently stuck
- Fixed an issue where the secure zone was visible after all loot was secured
- Fixed a lure in the East yard
- Adjusted the camera next to the west side guard booth
Road Rage
- Added Armor Repair Kit spawn locations
- Fixed issue where player could exploit and transport into out of bounds area
- Fixed a collision in the road that allowed the Cloaker to get stuck in the floor
- Fixed an issue where bags might get thrown out of bounds of the heist
- Fixed an issue where the player might get stuck near one of the secure areas
- Fixed an issue where VO timing did not match the time remaining
Touch the Sky
- Added Armor Repair Kit spawn locations
- Fixed an issue where the player could get stuck in the vents permanently after switching the game to loud
- Fixed an issue where the player could get stuck permanently next to the first-floor elevator
Social Stealth Tutorial
- Fixed an issue where the player could get blocked from progressing the tutorial after being detected by the second guard
Turbid Station
- Fixed a location where the player could get stuck
- Fixed issue where player could get stuck behind the SSD locked doors
- Fixed issue where player could throw bags out of bounds
- Fixed an issue where the loot bags might get stuck under the trains
- Fixed the 'Looting in the Dark' challenge , so that it doesn't work if any enemy is killed
Cook Off
- Fixed an issue where the helicopter dropping off the ingredients wouldn't arrive while another helicopter drops off the Overkill weapon
- Changed the dead cooks animation
- Fixed an issue where bags could be thrown into inaccessible area behind the wooden fence
- Fixed a spot where the Crew AI would get stuck in the basement
Syntax Error
- Added Armor Repair Kit spawn locations
- Fixed a spot where bags could get stuck
- Closed one of the elevator doors
- Fixed an issue where the vent near room D was marked as a 'Public Area'
- Fixed an issue where one of the corners in the basement was marked as a public area
- Adjusted the stealth escape zone height
- Added a proper text for the "planting explosives" interaction
- Fixed an issue where the explosion would trigger again when changing the 'Effects' settings