Patch 11 Changelog – No Mercy Heist

OVERKILL brings you Mercy Hospital – OVERKILL’s fan fiction for Left 4 Dead
The Mercy Hospital Heist is finally here! We have collaborated with Valve to bring our beloved PAYDAY fans a completely new heist, free of charge! Set in the Mercy Hospital – made famous by Left 4 Dead – everyone’s favorite robbers are out for blood. We also have some extra candy hidden in there for those who just can’t help ending up in the hospital.
If the regular difficulty levels won’t do it for you, don’t forget that you can play the Mercy Hospital Heist in the new OVERKILL +145 difficulty. We promise you that this one will leave you gasping for air…
But wait, the infection seems to be spreading: not only do our beloved players get a new heist for free, they also get new zombie masks AND a new zombie theme! Oh, the horror! New related challenges and Steam achievements will be released in an upcoming patch.
Here is the complete change log for the Mercy Hospital Heist release:
- NEW HEIST: The Mercy Hospital Heist is available to everyone who owns PAYDAY on the PC.
- NEW MASKS: Players that have “Left 4 Dead” or “Left 4 Dead 2” in their Steam library and have it installed on their computers, are awarded the new zombie masks. Wolf and the gang can now disguise themselves as the walking dead.
- NEW THEME: Players are now able to choose a new theme inspired by our favorite undead.