10 Days of Community Celebration
Welcome to Crimefest
Crimefest is a 10 day long annual event that we host for our PAYDAY community to celebrate everything PAYDAY. The event coincides with the original release of PAYDAY: The Heist, the first game in the PAYDAY series.

the Reward

Thanks to the community feedback regarding weapons and weapon gameplay balance, we made an overhaul of the entire weapons system. We realized that it had its flaws and it was relatively abstract. Based on your feedback, we decided to have a more “hands on” and understandable system. We think it makes more sense, and we hope you’ll think that too.
With the feedback we got from the community we started to get an idea of what needed to be done, essentially breaking it down into two things:

The First thing was to have more weapons viable and let it be a question of aesthetics and playstyles regarding which weapons a player would like to use instead of having “top tier” weapons. It was important to have enough difference between the weapons so that they actually feel like different weapons, but similar enough so they are balanced with each other. The biggest goal was to have most weapons viable.
The Second thing was to have the weapons be more comparable to each other. This will help players compare weapons more easily and hopefully have less abstract values. Earlier, two weapons with the same accuracy and/or stability stat values could still have different accuracy and stability while playing.
Below is a quick summary of what we did.
Total Ammo has been reworked to be balanced with the other stats. Weapons with high damage and accuracy generally have a lower ammo pool and vice versa.
Damage has been reworked to show decimals. This will make it easier for players to see if their weapons hit important breakpoints or not.
Accuracy has been reworked and rebalanced to show a value between 0 and 100, where 0 is least accurate and 100 is most accurate. Snipers are one of the most accurate at around 100 and shotguns being one of the least accurate at around 10, depending on mods.
Stability has been reworked and rebalanced in a similar way that accuracy has. It will now show a value between 0 and 100, where 0 is least stable and 100 is most stable. “Smaller” weapons are generally more stable and larger weapons are generally less stable.
Rate of Fire has not been changed.
Concealment has not been changed.
Threat has not been changed.
Movement speed penalty has been removed from LMG’s in order to balance them with the other weapons.
New Weapon
Customization Scene
We're introducing a redesign to the weapon customization system. You can now preview your modified weapon more quickly when attaching mods and selecting skins.

Unbox Day!

Despite being just a tiny, beeping sphere, the original Sputnik sent political shock-waves across 1950's Washington. Send some criminal shock-waves around the capital with this vintage-yet-pimped version.

Let's Do This

Okay, it doesn't hide your face and it is certainly not going to stop any bullets whizzing your way....but, damn. You're going to look like the belle of the ball wearing Mrs Volkov's wedding tiara.

I am a Stone

Russian Hat
The world would be very different were it not for the howling, freezing Russian winter. Napoleon and Hitler both learned this. History could be very different if they only packed a warm hat.
No Earthquake can stop a Heister
Usually, *you* bring the chaos and destruction. But, this time, you're headed straight into it. A powerful earthquake has rocked the whole of Southern California. Buildings have tumbled. The freeway lies broken, and the streets are awash with fire and fear.
The Opportunity makes the Thief
During catastrophe, emergency services get stretched to the limit. Hospitals are overwhelmed, police respond to only the most urgent appeals and looters run wild on the streets. These periods of disaster are perfect for the heister who is willing to exploit the chaos.

The Team AI has been killing and Reviving for a long time and now it's time for an additional feature to help out players in need.
how it works:
The Team AI can trade players from custody if all players are in custody and there is only Team AI left alive. This can happen during both assault and control phase, as long as a hostage has been taken by the players.
During the assault phase, players can be traded by the Team AI after a timer has ended. The timer starts for the first player who went into custody when the last player goes into custody.
During the control phase, players are traded instantly by the Team AI, so if the AI survives the Assault the first player who went into custody will be traded instantly.

Now you have additional options for setting up and filtering lobbies in Crime.Net. If you create a lobby you can tag it with a preferred tactic if you want, Stealth or Loud. This will make it easier to find players that also wants to use that tactic for a heist.
This means you can also filter between the preferred tactics when you're looking for a lobby!

Being a small nation, Sweden is likely outnumbered in any battle, so it’s important that a Swedish soldier, with a single trigger squeeze, can take out 10-20 enemy soldiers. Therefore, we introduce the KSP 58 “Kulspruta” (trans: “bullet sprayer”).

Sacrifice mobility to gain more power! When deploying the Bipod the LMG has almost no recoil and very high accuracy, making it the perfect tool for covering your team and defending a position.
The Bipod only applies stats to the weapon it's attached to when it's deployed, meaning you don't gain any benefit from the modification when it isn't deployed.

Drills added to the Loot Drop
Wolf finally got tired of being left behind by his old friends and being the curious one, he had to go and check out what was up. Who would´ve known that he came prepared?
After successfully finishing a heist, players can now receive Drills to open Safes in the Card Loot Drop.

For when someone's already taken your favorite heister
You've tuned your guns, studied the plans, and now you're ready for the heist of a lifetime. But there's only one problem - you're not who you want to be! Instead of enjoying Hoxton's rich sultry tones in YOUR ears, you see that wanker go running past you, and you're... DALLAS!?! Or, you want to be Dallas, and instead see someone else bringing that handsome bastard to life, and you're stuck with... BONNIE!??
We all have our favorite heisters, and for a long time it has been who you want or who you're given.
But no longer. Now you can nominate your four favorite PAYDAY heisters. If someone has your favorite, no problem - selection will go to the next favorite!

Le Castle Vania and OVERKILL have collaborated to create three music tracks for PAYDAY 2! For you heisters out there, He is known for his contribution to some of the best songs in the movie John Wick. Le Castle Vania has now made three new, awesome songs that fit right into PAYDAY 2. Players can listen to the tracks in the Soundtrack tab in game or click below for a quick preview.

Commissioner Garrett has got the files, studied the footage and drawn his conclusions, and he's taken decisive action. This update is the first direct result of that. Engineers have been toiling and the MPD are ready to roll this out - the SWAT Van Turret 2.0!
It's sporting a new armor repair system, and packs a significantly harder punch. Garrett also observed a weakness in previous models by allowing heisters to get too close, so his engineers have installed a system to help it keep you at arms length.
And it's not just the construction that's been given an upgrade. Garrett has defined new doctrines for its deployment. You can expect to see its appearance in heists become more selective and varied. But when it does appear...you'll know about it.

In 'Buccaneers Ahoy!', these swashbuckling undead heisters terrorized the treasure-laden galleons of the Caribbean for years, proving forever that....pirates arrrrrrrrrrrr cool.

In 'Xenogogs', this creature embodied fear itself, as it tore its way from the butt of Troy Templeton during that scene.

Au Ticket
In the First World Bank job, find the Titan safe and collect the special item inside.
To unlock

It’s an Event Safe
The Bank isn’t the only place around here with valuable secrets. While robbing the First World Bank, keep an eye out for a Titan Safe. Crack that baby open, and you’ll earn the Au Ticket achievement.
And we’re making that achievement extra appealing for 30 days, as earning it will drop the First World Safe and Drill into your inventory!
Note: You need to own PAYDAY 2 in order to receive safes and drills as a part of this event.
Limited to One Drill and Safe per Player
Complete the Achievement
Get a FREE Safe & Drill
Download FWB WallpaperPork Royale
In the Slaughterhouse job, find the marked pig, secure it in the container and then finish the heist on OVERKILL or above.
To unlock
It’s an Event Safe
There’s more to the slaughterhouse than just dead pigs, raw meat and shiny gold. While you’re there doing your thing, Vlad has a little task for you. He wants you to find the marked pig, secure it in a container and then finish the heist on OVERKILL or above. In return, he’ll give you a drill and a Slaughter safe. No, he didn’t say why. And yes, we didn’t ask him either.
Doing this, you’ll get the Pork Royale achievement. You’ll get the extra reward for 30 days. Earning it will drop the Slaughter Safe AND drill into your inventory.
Limited to One Drill and Safe per Player
Complete the Achievement
Get a FREE Safe & Drill
You need to own PAYDAY 2 in order to receive safes and drills as a part of this event.