Anniversary Suit 
"The Prime"
A celebration is a good occasion to dress in style. And you should wear this suit with pride, as each and every one of you heisters deserves to take a share of the credit for these seven years!

Anniversary Gloves 
Seven is a lucky number and wearing these gloves we’re sure you’ll lay your hands on plenty of cash, gold, diamonds and other valuables.

After seven years of daring crime sprees, bring your best gun and make it look the best you can, superstar heister!
Other Updates
Quality of Life
New song - Cakewish
The greatest heisters must have the greatest soundtrack. Let the rhythm pump up your adrenaline as the cops close in and all shall be well!
New Crime Spree and Holdout rewards - Weapon Colors
Great achievers shall have great rewards! Whether in Holdout mode or Crime Spree, deserving spoils shall come to those who dare!
Revamped mask customization and more
Various minor updates and improvements to mask customization, UI, etc. Aside from new content releases, we’re constantly trying to improve the PAYDAY 2 experience in various ways.