The Sydney Character Pack introduces the wild, raging, uncontrollable, badass aussie Sydney. It also includes Sydney’s mask, the Anarchist Perk Deck, the Wing melee knife and the Bootleg (SG-416c) assault rifle.

The Anarchist Perk Deck is all about taking the punches and still keep handing out lead to everyone’s who’s hungry without the player being forced out of combat. The Anarchist sacrifices health for armor and also leech armor from enemies by doing damage.

Wing is the name of Sydney’s melee knife. It’s a butterfly model made by Berger, which she never leaves home without as it has saved her life more times than she can count. Those who know her also know the story of how she got it from another gang leader. Got it from his throat. So people seldom mess with her when she whips it out. Wing is a nifty little thing and Sydney loves showing off her skills. And everybody knows that when Wing starts flapping - chaos will come.

Manufactured in Europe, over 8000 miles from Australia. The SG-416c managed to travel from a german soldier, via a black arms smuggler to some rogue rebels in a jungle, all the way to a back alley behind a gas station not long from downtown Melbourne. Dirty goods and dirty money were exchanged and Sydney got this piece of bullet spewing assault rifle, equipped with an LMG drum mag. But as soon as Sydney laid her hands on it, it ceased being a SG-416c and became “Bootleg”.
Weapon Mods

Sydney is all about pure, destructive mayhem and beating the system to a bloody pulp - begging for it’s own life. Like a havoc wreaking jester she wears her mask with a proud smirk that says “I’m beating you just for fun”. Also, if you dare to laugh at her pointy nose, she’ll thrust it into your eyeball.

You want fries with that?

Mosh Pit Invite

"S" before Laughter

Sydney isn’t someone who easily shares. But she makes an exception for the PAYDAY crew. And just as Sydney - it comes with a punch. Inside its bowels you’ll find 6 Commons, 4 Uncommons, 3 Rares, 2 Epic and 1 Legendary. They have all been born out of chaotic mosh pits in dark Melbourne punk clubs.
The Drill and the Safe can be obtained in the Card Loot Drop when you’ve completed a heist. You can also purchase, sell and trade Drills and Safes on the Steam Marketplace.