The henchmen are dropping in, Are you ready?

Today we are releasing a great new feature that allows the host to choose when the drop in client will be allowed to spawn. This feature will allow a drop-in client to discuss their loadout with the host, to better fit the team and the heist requirements. This allows the host help the client by spawning him somewhere safe and not in front of a camera or a big mean Bulldozer.
Time to deck out your AI friends and arm them to the teeth. The Henchmen Beta is now going live. You can now check out this awesome feature. It’s been in the beta to iron out a few bumps and issues and we now feel that we can put it in the main game. Everyone else that did not want to switch in and out of the beta branch will now be able to customize their team AI.
The feature also include the ability to play with three AI and you can assign abilities and boosts to them. You can now tailor your team to fit your playstyle and kick some SWAT ass.
In the patch today we have a fix for an issue that caused players to actually take more damage from damage reduction skills. What the change actually does is fixing the system called grace period. It’s a system of the game that blocks incoming damage of equal or lower amount for a short time after getting hit by a shot. The system will now correctly block the incoming damage, even when using damage reduction skills. This will also cause the dodge to not trigger on a shot that would have been blocked by the grace period.
Changing a system as essential to the game as the grace period will have a huge impact on the game balance and we have made several changes to perks and skills to keep the game difficulty and balance as close to the same state as before the change. This will be evaluated and tweaked further. We invite you all to a discussion about the change in the forums.
Below there’s a list of the changes we made with the old values in parentheses:
Medical Supplies – Ammo pack pickups will now heal for 16 to 24 health (an increase from the 8 to 12), The bonus you receive for having teammates with more health than you is 20% (reduced from 100%) stacks up to three times.
Sharing Is Caring – When you gain health from ammo packs your teammates will receive 50% of the effect (reduced from 100%).
More Healing 1 – The health gained from ammo packs gives an additional 8 health (increased from 4).
More Healing 2 – The health gained from ammo packs gives an additional 8 health (increased from 4).
Rouge, Crook and Burglar
Subtle – You dodge chance is increased by 15% (increase from 10%).
Smoker – The smoke screen will last for 10 seconds (increased from 6 seconds) and the smoke bomb will have a 60 second cooldown (increased from 30 seconds).
Subtle – You dodge chance is increased by 15% (increased from 10%).
Crew Chief
Marathon Man – In addition to the normal effect you also take 6% less damage from all enemies if you are within medium range of any enemy.
Hostage Situation – Each hostage you have will give you and your crew 6% max health (increased from 2%) and 12% stamina (increased from 4%) this can stack for 4 hostages (reduced from 10).
No Talk – You take 6% (reduced from 8%) less damage from all enemies if you are within medium range of any enemy.
Tension – The armor regeneration from killing an enemy can trigger once every 1 second (decreased from once every 2 second).
Clean Hit – The health regeneration from killing an enemy with a melee weapon can trigger once every 1 second (decreased from once every 2 seconds).
Overdose – The armor regeneration from killing an enemy at medium range can trigger once every 1 second (decreased from once every 2 seconds).
Showdown – The panic spread chance from killing an enemy at medium range can trigger once every 1 second (decreased from once every 2 seconds) .
Basic, Advanced and Expert Close Combat – You take 6% (reduced from 8%) less damage from all enemies if you are within medium range of any enemy.
Quick Fix – Aced – Crew members that use your First Aid Kits or Doctor Bags will take 10% less damage (reduced from 15%) for 120 seconds.
Joker – Aced – Your converted enemies will deal 35% (reduced from 100%) more damage. Your converted enemies will no longer take the 55% less damage.
Underdog – Aced – You take 10% (reduced from 15%) less damage from all enemies if you are within medium range of at least three enemies. The bonus lasts for 7 seconds.
Time to rob some banks fellas!
Update size: 95.6Mb
- Fixed a crash when using the Pumpkin King mask and the Sentry Gun
- Fixed an issue where players in the civilian state would not be able to pickup items correctly using Chameleon Aced
- Fixed an issue with the Sentry Gun and getting over 240 kills
- Fixed so that the player won’t crash if he throws a smoke grenade just before going into custody
- Fixed an error string when claiming a weapon mod from a daily job
- Fixed so that the player can no longer get stuck behind the door on The Big Bank
- Fixed an issue where some parts of the bridge would disappear on Green Bridge
- Fixed an issue with some of the signs on Heat Street
- Fixed an issue where some numbers would show up twice on Hotline Miami Day 1
- Fixed an issue on Hotline Miami Day 1 where the police cars were very reflective
- Fixed an issue with a lamp in Dallas room on Tier 3 in the New Safe House
- Added the halloween themed flashlight to Prison Nightmare and Lab Rats
- Fixed a hole in the ground on Transport: Train Heist
Via: Steam Community