10 května 2024 - 3:30 pm

Operation Medic Bag: Blog Update #12 – Dailies, Mask of the Week

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Hello Heisters! 

Today, we’ll go into more detail on two new features coming to PAYDAY 3, the Daily Activities and the Mask of the Week.

Let’s start at the beginning: why did we feel these two features are essential for the game? 

The first reason is that we are removing the Challenge-based progression system as was stated in the original Operation Medic Bag post. For those reading this, that’s probably not a concern, but for our new players—those initial levels where you go from Infamy 1 to Infamy 8 in one glorious leap forward! Well, that was due to the soon-to-be-removed challenges. Since we can’t count on that going forward but still want to keep that feeling of getting a wave of unlocks early, the Daily Activities is set to help fill this void.

Daily Activities

To describe it quickly, Daily Activities will update once a day, every day, with a randomized set of objectives such as getting away with a certain number of bags, using a gadget multiple times, or hitting other goals that mixes between loud- and stealth-centric gameplay that’s not necessarily part of a heister’s daily routine.

We hope the daily activities will encourage players to experiment with new loadouts, playstyles, or even heists they don’t always play. The prize of additional Infamy and C-Stacks will hopefully make you consider trying something you wouldn’t otherwise, but the aim is to provide a good mix each day.

We also wanted players to have a reason to jump into the game and just play every now and then. For many people, a small incentive like this makes a difference in whether to start the game, and the rotation of new challenges could be a really neat way to avoid analysis paralysis of “what should I do in this session?”

We know a lot of players appreciate these kinds of features, and we feel that both IP and C-Stacks are useful for most players. Especially so once we introduce the Mask of the Week… seamless segue!

Mask of the Week

Want more masks? You got it. Since there’s a lot to cover, we’ll do a point list of the facts below so you can get a good idea of how the feature will work.

We had the same rough goals with this one as the dailies. It gives all heisters a reason to see what’s new in the game, and it gives us an excuse to produce a few more fancy cosmetics.

PAYDAY Veterans might recognize the style of these, and we’re happy to share that long-time heister AngusBurgers was behind the creation of these concepts.

Let us know which of these masks you’d like to see first in the rotation and we’ll try to prioritize that for you when the feature rolls out! You can vote in the strawpoll right here:

  • We’re adding eight brand new premium quality masks.
  • All of the new masks are customizable.
  • You can purchase every mask more than once.
  • Each purchase includes a mask slot.
  • Each mask is available at a discounted price for one week.
  • It will go on sale a second time within the same rotation to ensure you have another chance to get it at the discounted price, and then be removed from rotation
  • After all masks have been on sale twice, they’ll be available at their usual full price from the mask vendor.
  • Once this collection of masks is fully cycled twice, we’ll expand the offering further!
  • This may include more than masks in the future, but for the time being we will try masks for a little while and expand based on your feedback.

Next week, we have a double-whammy of goodness for you. Early in the week, we’ll show you a look at the roadmap for the next patch that will be coming to PAYDAY 3 with the headline features of that patch–which we’ll cover in upcoming blog posts. Following that up, on Friday we’ll have a more detailed look at the new Infamy Progression system that will also arrive with the patch.

Stay tuned, and keep on heisting, gang!

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