Day One
Today's News: CNM Breaking News: Corruption in Congress
Follow up on Congress News
Audio File: Rachel's Pearphone Recording
Download USB decrypter
What does SG stand for?
Day Two

Bookmarked URL: https://www.knowledgepedia.com/Fort_Clatsop_Prison
Fort Clatsop Prison
From Knowledgepedia, the online library of knowledge
Fort Clatsop Prison was founded in 1902 and is located off the coast of northern Oregon. Initially built to house mental patients, it transformed into a regular prison in 1917. Up until the early years of World War II, it held a reputation of being a sought-after prison for those incarcerated across the country. Often prisoners were treated well and food standards were above average. The reason for this is credited to the warden at the time, Oscar “The Pope” Anderson, who had seen the mistreatment of prisoners at prior locations. When he was made warden of the prison, his primary objective was to keep a civil atmosphere and a humane treatment of inmates.
After the events of Pearl Harbor during World War II, Japanese POWs was held captive at Fort Clatsop Prison. The facility was commandeered by the military and warden was replaced by an army captain. During the next several years Fort Clatsop Prison earned the infamous nickname “Hell’s Island” and it gained a reputation as one of the worst World War II POW camps in the world. Overall, the treatment of Japanese soldiers was torture-like and many POWs died from malnutrition. After the war, the prison was closed down and has remained abandoned since.
- Why image of Prison on USB?
- Research knife from photo. Japanese POWs?
Audio File: Rachel's PearPhone Recorded Call
- Investigate "Kozak" Bakery
- Connection between Helmann and Simmons?
Audio File: F:\Police\Recording.wav
- Commissoner Garrett in the recording?
- Who is he talking to?
- Boxes? Bain?
Pinned Email: Simmons...
Hi Alan.
So, I checked the USB stick that someone left on my desk. There is some very weird stuff on it. I didn’t think much of it until I tried to reach Congressman Simmons on the phone, and someone else answered. Don’t want to write too much here, would rather talk live. But I do want to pursue this further.
Day Four
Audio File: Rachel's Pearphone Audio Note 01
- Increase of illegal arms?

Audio File: Rachel's Pearphone Audio Note 02
- Run full background check on Helmann
- Donations and Funds record? Connection to Congress?
- Any info about his Dental Clinic patients?
Audio File: Rachel's Pearphone Recorded Call
Day Five
Today's News: CNM Breaking News: Explosion In Egypt
- Any connections between the first and second explosion?
- Check up on incidents of missing nuclear missiles
Audio File: Rachel's Pearphone Audio Note
- Have Jenny obtain manifest for flights from Egypt to the US over the last couple of days
- From FBI Video Archives, stolen?
- Has this been released to the public?
Audio File: Rachel's Pearphone Recorded Call
Pinned Email: RE: Simmons...
Hi Rachel.
If you want to keep investigating this, I have no problem with it, but my hands are a bit tied when it comes to putting more resources on it at the moment. You’ll have to pursue this alone I’m afraid, but you can always talk to me, and I’ll try to help!
Day Six

Bookmarked URL: https://www.knowledgepedia.com/Mercy_Hospital
Mercy Hospital
From Knowledgepedia, the online library of knowledge
Mercy Hospital was built in 1899 next to Pennsylvania Station in New York, but went through major renovations in 1923 and 1975. After the “Mercy Hospital Fire” , the hospital collapsed and is no longer in use. The building was one of the city’s tallest buildings and was originally designed by Alexander Williams. In the early 2000s, Mercy hospital was one of the busiest in the county and treated the highest number of gunshot victims of all regional hospitals.
Mercy Hospital has been the site of several noteworthy incidents. Unconfirmed reports mention a failure to contain viral outbreaks and security breaches resulting in staff injuries, including the one in recent years which resulted in a mysterious fire that collapsed the entire building.
Mercy hospital is also famous due to Dr. Karl Tobolsky who invented a new type of syringe while he was a resident. The syringe is now commonly used at the majority of US hospitals - its most prominent feature is its extraordinary thin needle.
- Look for CDC report on Mercy Hospital
- Follow up on survivors from the incident
Audio File: Rachel's PearPhone Recorded Call 01
Audio File: Rachel's PearPhone Recorded Call 02
Day Seven

Today's News: CNM Breaking News - Washington D.C. Radiation Threat
- Any past reports about radiation in the DC area?
- Connection to the first 2 nukes?
Can’t be a coincidence
Audio File: Rachel's PearPhone Audio Note 01
- Natural sources of radiation in DC area?
Audio File: Rachel's PearPhone Audio Note 02
- Helmann denied travel to Iraq 4 days ago.
- What is the connection between Simmons, Helmann, Kozak and the Payday Gang?
Audio File: Rachel's PearPhone Recorded Call
Day Nine
Pinned Email: Your Moonlight Investigation!
Sorry to do this over email but I've been full-up here. I've got some bad news, unfortunately. This obsession you have with the information on that USB stick, the Clown gang and how it might connect with what’s currently going on in the world has caught the attention of the board and they’re not happy.
They’re calling it a wild goose chase and have demanded that I make you stop pursuing it immediately. They especially didn’t appreciate all the travel expenses that have been accumulating and we've gotten a lot of pushback about your inquiries into the flight passenger lists you had Jenny research. You know that I appreciate your efforts, but my hands are pretty much tied on this one, so I have to ask you to stop immediately. If you want to talk, my door is always open.