What is Infamy?
The Infamy system in PAYDAY 2 gives the dedicated player a way to keep progressing in the game after hitting level 100. When going infamous, the player resets their skill progression to level 1. The player can then experience the game all over again as they reach max level anew, but now as an infamous criminal. Each infamy level unlocks custom rewards only obtainable for the most hardened criminal, along with the bragging rights that infamy brings with it.

Infamy 3.2
PAYDAY 2 is back with a new free INFAMY update, expanding the level rewards from rank 82-99.
Infamy 3.3
The INFAMY 3.3 update adds new rewards between ranks 26-65, and an exclusive set of items at level 100.
Infamy 4.0
We are introducing the Infamy pool. Dive into Infamy 4.0, and find a new way to increase your Infamy rank.
You will now be able to gain progression towards the next Infamy without resetting your level or resetting your skills, however, it will be slower than normal progression.
The cost of a rank via the Infamy pool will be 30 million XP instead of the 23 million it would be if you used the regular reputation reset system to go infamous. This means that if you don't reset, you'll have to work harder in exchange for keeping your gear and skills.