These past ten days have been crazy. So much has happened...
After two years in America, the moment I had been waiting for finally arrived, but it was not as I expected.
So many strange things have happened these past ten days.
I had hoped and hoped to hear news of my son, and finally, the day came.
It was a strange moment, the day that I finally heard news of my son; of Kento.
Many other things have happened too. It has been an eventful ten days.

The PAYDAY gang consist of plenty of talents - everything from mad men and sociopaths, to ex-military and a Scot. But there’s always a need for more master criminals. And now, we at OVERKILL, are giving the Community the opportunity to get your own Heister in-game. All you have to do, is to create your own Heister by using the Blank Heister Paper Figure and then just draw, doodle, paint or spray something that’ll blow our minds. The winning Paper Figure is gonna be made into a real, playable, in-game Heister. So get cracking.
What to do:
Submit your contribution on Twitter or Instagram by posting a picture of your Heister using the following hashtag: #MYHEISTER
For information about the contest and instructions on how to submit check the PAYDAY 2 Steam forums.

It all started with Vernon Locke getting in touch. He said he had information; that someone was out to destroy us, and he knew of a time and place where we could intercept an agent of this unknown enemy.
That shifty mercenary is a lying bastard, but we still had to investigate, of course.

It all starts somewhere. A ground zero so to say. Even PAYDAY. So it’s fitting to come back to the true inspiration and beginning of the whole PAYDAY saga. Heat Street. Time to catch Mr. Roscoe one more time.

An Englishman, a Scot and an Irish girl went into a bank...and robbed it without any name calling or bickering. And as someone double-crosses them, they let go of their grudges once and for all. One might state that they are inspired to solve their quarrels as money is at stake.
God rob the Queen!

Everyone was surprised to find Matt Roscoe at the rendezvous location. We chased him across town, it was insane!
As we caught up with him, he tried to buy his life saying he had information about my son. I didn't believe him but couldn't afford not to listen, just in case it was true.
By investing Continental Coins and if you’ve reached Level 60, you can go on a Crime Spree. Crime Spree is a set of random heists selected for you, and all you have to do is keep completing heists. The more you finish, the greater is the reward. But it will also get more difficult as modifiers are added to make the game more strenuous. But for those skilled enough, there will be EXP, loot drops and cash waiting.
But it will get Harder

To heist is not only about lead and determination. It’s about putting on a terrifying exterior that hopefully makes bullets unnecessary. Something that instills fear and respect in your enemies. The Native Americans did it. American Football players do it. Now you can make your armor look beyond fierce. Armor Skins can be applied and used just as weapon skins, and are obtained in the Loot Drop just the same.

Each heist is different. The mood, the set up, the style. And to heighten that even further, we are introducing 12 unique Screen Filters for each and every heist. So now you’ll get even more immersed when you take on your favorite heist as everything from lightness, fog, colors and darkness can change.

There’s nothing like a bit of craziness and madness to spice things up. One unstable individual is fun. Get three of them into a Jewelry Store with guns, and you have a party. A violent and dark party where reckless ways and screams are more than welcome. This. Won’t. Go. Quietly.

Roscoe would not tell us anything about the threat against us, or who he was working for, but he told me he knew of a Yakuza member named 'Kazuo' who was imprisoned in a Long Island correctional facility.
He refused to say how he knew, but he was sure that this man had information about Kento. I discussed it with the gang, and we asked Bain to devise a plan for breaking this guy out.
Don’t mistake this for 'just' a secondary. With it’s armor piercing ammunition it comes with an impressive stopping power, and it’ll make sure that everything it hits, stays down.

Magazine: 15 | Total Ammo: 30 | Rate of Fire: 600 | Damage: 120 | Accuracy: 64 | Stability: 44 | Concealment: 29 | Threat: 9 | Reload Time: 2.3
The Incendiary Grenade is a nasty self igniting phosphorus container. It ignites after a few seconds, making it perfect for bouncing off walls towards your enemies. Upon ignition it causes serious damage - setting enemies ablaze.

Capacity: 6 | Deals Fire Damage
Riktpunkt is releasing a brand new Mod Pack. With a strong focus on sight and optics - the Riktpunkt Mod Pack is the perfect addition to strengthen your arsenal.
Resembling the classic 45 Degree Sight. Its complex design makes it a perfect fit for any weapon.
The Magnifier adds additional zoom to already equipped sights - making long distance kills easier.

Our lion has been away for 2 weeks now and we miss him. He loves all kind of cuddle, but if you spot Tempy: Do not approach him in any way, as you will get mutilated if he gets close. Also don’t let him see any kids...that doesn’t end well.

Byrne is our koala and our "pet". But we don’t want him back. He’s boring and tedious and all he does is eat eucalyptus leaves. So now he’s gone and we wanna keep it that way. If you find him you can keep him or whatever.

Stoibs ran away last tuesday night and we would be glad to get him back. We had a hard time finding a chinchilla with a good pedigree. So to start all over again with a new pet would be tedious. If you find him, we’ll invite you to the dinner where we enjoy Stoibs!

Our darling Fluffedup is gone. He’s a happy little individual who’s absolutely not been trying to throw himself into the blender several times. We just want to keep him forever! So it’s super important that we get him back to us!

Experience and wisdom are key to being a good heister. When you’re not a young busboy anymore, you can cook with calmness and seniority like a true sous chef. Some might laugh at aging heisters. But as they’re used to both throwing a punch as well as receiving one - you might not laugh for long.

Bain had a plan as usual. He used his contacts to engineer a riot in prison. Don't ask me how he does these things.
The result was that Kazuo was now being transferred to another prison. The plan would have to depend on exactly how this transfer would be executed.

On popular demand, we’re now introducing: Henchmen. Simply put, this is Team AI customization to the max. You can change perks and abilities and in that, complete and fill the gaps that your team might have.

Heisting is in some way an art form. The three artists Sokol, Wick and Bodhi all use different styles and techniques. But together they perform pieces that will forever be remembered. However, certain armor clad critics will always try to ruin what you’ve created. But grab that minigun and keep painting the town red.

Hey guys, this is the day. Kazuo is being transferred by truck convoy, and you're breaking him out.
We'll blow the Green Bridge sky-high and then assault the convoy to get him out. It's time to make some noise, guys.

When it pours, it rains, as the saying goes. And for this classic it’s especially true as it’s not only water that’ll hit you. But with raincoats on and impressive stopping power in your hands, Green Bridge will never be the same.

Nilam was swift with the blade and deadly as hell. As a woman, she sought the same respect her peers got, but this was a world ruled by men. Finally Nilam had reached her limit. Those who wronged her was “sentenced” by getting their throats slit as she sailed the seas with her ship “Verdict”.

Alex had been stealing food during a long sail out at sea. As he was caught, he was sentenced to be keelhauled. But as Alex was beneath the boat, another ship opened fire and Alex died. Ever since then, Keelhauled Alex haunts lonesome ships at night.

After a shipwreck, Jessicah managed to swim to a small islet. Circled by a shark, with no rescue in sight, she was caught. Her only option was to kill the shark with her knife, so she could swim to shore. But she needed a decoy. So she scooped out one of her eyeballs and threw it in the water. Then she dove in.

Schneider’s moniker “the Devil” was well known, and tales of how the “devil” sailed the seven seas traveled among bars in the Caribbean. To “spot the Devil on the horizon” was a common saying when someone had disappeared out at sea. But the truth was that Schneider had forever buried them in a watery grave.

Ten days... ten days of mayhem. Kazuo wouldn't tell me everything, but we now know that Kento is still in the US, and he is working for the Yakuza. Does he know I'm alive? Does he remember where he's from? I don't know... I must find him, and then I will have my answers.
And another question remains; who is planning to attack the PAYDAY gang? Roscoe is not telling us everything. I think he is more afraid of his employer than of us.

Congratulations to Taylor VanDommelen! The winner of the #MyHeister competition! Your Heister will be made into a real, playable character in PAYDAY 2. OVERKILL salutes you!
If you enjoyed The Search for Kento, you can download all Kento art as wallpaper for your desktop. Big thanks to AngusBurgers for drawing these and adding that extra feel to the event!

If you enjoyed The Search for Kento, you can download all Kento art as wallpaper for your desktop. Big thanks to AngusBurgers for drawing these and adding that extra feel to the event!