September 3 2015 - 6:33 pm

PAYDAY 2: Update 76 is live!

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Update 76 is here! It contains a couple of fixes along with the secret "?"-mask for those of you who attended PAYDAYCON. Congratulations and thank you for coming! We will be giving these codes out from time to time by ourselves and through PAYDAY streamers and community events. If you didn’t get them yet, more opportunities will come.

Update 76

Update size: 117.4 MB

  • Added variations for Jiro’s scream when swinging the Katana during Assault Phase
  • Added a VO line for Jiro when picking up Gage packages
  • Fixed an issue with Jiro screaming at zip-tied civilians
  • Fixed an issue where Chains called Jiro Bonnie when calling for him

  • Fixed so that the No Stock modification for the Micro Uzi has the correct Concealment value
  • Fixed an issue where the Katana and the Switchblade sometimes replaced Primary and Secondary weapons in First Person view

  • Added the exclusive PAYDAYCON Mask "King of Jesters" for those who have unlocked it with the PAYDAYCON mask pack code

Perk Decks
  • Fixed an issue in the Yakuza Perk Deck so that it now gives the correct value for armor regeneration

Diamond Heist
  • A new exhibition is coming to town and the necessary changes to highlight this have been made

Talk soon!


OVERKILL – a Starbreeze Studio.

Via: Steam Community

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