PAYDAY 2: Hotfix 93.1 is live.

We’re live with hotfix 93.1.
You can now modify your weapon to have a specific Stat Boost or Team Boost applied to it – for free. These modifications will be in a separate tab called "Boost" and can be obtained through the Card Loot Drop by successfully completing a heist or performing our new Monthly Side Jobs. The modifications can be applied to any weapon and they replace whatever boost that might already be applied.
For the Stat and Team Boost card drop, the drop rate is similiar to that of any other in-game weapon modification. The more you have played the game, the higher is the chance that a Stat or Team Boost will drop in the card drop.
Monthly Side Jobs is our new addition to our Side Jobs feature and introduces jobs that you can only complete once per month. The Monthly Side Job reward is a Stat Boost or a Team Boost modification of your choice.
Update size: 22.5 MB
- Fixed a crash related to the Christmas Safe. If you crashed while opening the safe, restart Steam and access your inventory to see the item you received
- We Do It Live achievement has changed thanks to community feedback. This is the new description: "Complete the Framing Frame job on the OVERKILL difficulty or above with each crew member using no skills, wearing suits, wielding Platypus 70 sniper rifles and Judge shotguns."
- The Old Memories monthly side job has changed thanks to communinty feedback. This is the new description: "Complete the Rats job on the OVERKILL difficulty or above with each crew member using no skills, wearing suits, wielding AMCAR rifles and Chimano 88 pistols."
- The Shadow Dance monthly side job has changed thanks to communinty feedback. This is the new description: "Complete the Shadow Raid job on the OVERKILL difficulty or above with each crew member using no skills, wearing suits, wielding AMCAR rifles and Chimano 88 pistols."
- The Nostalgia monthly side job has changed thanks to communinty feedback. This is the new description: "Complete the Firestarter job on the OVERKILL difficulty or above with each crew member using no skills, wearing suits, wielding AMCAR rifles and Chimano 88 pistols."
- Fixed a texture issue on the Chimano 88 pistol magazine
Happy holidays!
OVERKILL – a Starbreeze Studio.
Via: Steam Community