PAYDAY 2: The Sydney Character Pack, update 98 and skills beta update 4 are live!

So it’s time to shake hands with our latest addition to the PAYDAY crew: Sydney.
Born and raised in Australia, she’s not the one to dodge out of a fight – rather the opposite. All grown up on whatever punk rock music she could get her hands on – she became a true anarchist – but far from a pacifist.
Check out the website!:
Update size: 1.8 GB
- Added Sydney as a playable character
- Added the Anarchist Perk Deck
- Added the Bootleg Assault Rifle
- Added the Wing Butterfly Melee Knife
- Added Sydney’s Masks
Cook Off
- Fixed an issue where the supply drop could spawn an additional Caustic Soda
- Fixed an issue where the escape zone would hover in the air
Big Oil Day 2
- Fixed an issue where a ladder by the pool wouldn’t spawn correctly
White Xmas
- Fixed an issue where enemies couldn’t navigate properly behind a container
Goat Simulator Day 2
- Fixed an issue where players could get stuck behind the barn doors
Birth of Sky
- Fixed an issue where players could get stuck between seats in the diner
- Fixed an issue where Locke would arrive in two helicopters at the same time
Jewelry Store
- Removed a plate with a cake that was floating in the air
- Removed a camera sign outside of the store
Hoxton Breakout Day 1
- Fixed an issue where the player could see through the roof if jumping on the escape car
Hoxton Breakout Day 2
- Removed yellow outline on one of the computers in server room
Boiling Point
- Moved location of the drill so it’s now aligned correctly on the server room door.
- Fixed an issue where guards could spot the player in the basement through the floor
Hotline Miami Day 2
- Added collision to a few planks in the apartment blockades
Firestarter Day 3
- Added preplanning to the heist
- Fixed issue where team AI would focus on enemies instead of reviving downed players
- COP Safe is now enabled again
- Houston now verbally informs other heisters that he placed a First Aid Kit
- Fixed a few instances where heisters had missing VO
- Fixed an issue where melee weapons would get stuck in the player’s hands after interactions
Update size: 119 MB
We were forced to disable the Linux version of the Skills beta today due to some unforeseen technical difficulties, but we’re doing our best to activate it again as soon as possible! The Windows version of the skills beta is still available.
Please accept our apologies in the meantime. Thank you for your patience.
- Dragon’s Breath Round fire effect will now trigger 100% of the time.
- Changed the time to deploy sentry guns from 2 seconds to 1 second
- Changed the time to pick up sentry guns from 3.5 second to 0.5 seconds
- Fixed an issue where the players could not interact with sentry guns after being released from custody
- Increased the damage from Shield enemies on medium range
- Bulldozers are now 60% less affected by critical damage and weakpoint hits
- Fixed an issue where the player was not able to switch between deployables when carrying a bag or while in Casing Mode when using Jack of all Trades
- Fixed an issue where Molotovs and Incendiary Rounds would not be detected by guards during stealth
- Fixed a crash related to the Jack of all Trades skill when picking up sentry guns
- GSPS 12G, Locomotive 12G, Reinfeld 880 and Raven Shotguns have had their damage increased from 59 to 90
- Izhma 12G, Steakout 12G and Street Sweeper Shotguns have had their damage increased from 33 to 42
- Judge, Mosconi and Joceline Shotguns have had their damage increased from 145 to 155.
- M1014 and Predator 12G Shotguns have had their damage increased from 40 to 55.
- Deagle Akimbos have had their damage reduced to 120
- The Combat Engineering skill has been added to the beta
- The More Firepower skill has been added to the beta
- The Fire Trap skill has been added to the beta
- Changed the Shotgun Impact: Ace damage increase from 35% to 15%
- Oppressor: Ace should now correctly reduce the flashbang effect by 75%
- Cpt. Winters and his friends are now immune to Bulletproof: Ace
- Fixed an issue where Thick Skin would give concealment when wearing a suit
- Fixed an issue where Close By: Ace would give the fire rate bonus to automatic shotguns
- Fixed an issue where the second deployable was still present when deselecting Jack of all Trades
- Fixed an issue where Uppers: Ace could activate after Swansong ends
- Rogue: Shadow Warrior now grants 15% more dodge instead of 10%
OVERKILL – a Starbreeze Studio.
Via: Steam Community