PAYDAY 2: Update 101 is live!

We’re live with update 101 and the introduction heists.
We’ve added two small introduction 2 day heists in PAYDAY 2. They can be found in the Basics job in Crime Net! These two heists will teach players the basic mechanics of the game.
PAYDAY 2 is growing and new heisters are joining the game. So we wanted to create something where you could learn the basics, an opportunity for new heisters to learn some of the game’s many mechanics before going for the big PAYDAYs… it’s as simple as that!
Support our friends at Behaviour and join their Steam community group to get access to The Blister Head mask, The Killer mask and the The Clawer mask in PAYDAY 2!:
Also, The Dead by Daylight Deluxe Edition is available on Steam. Owners of The Dead by Daylight will unlock the terrifying Dendron mask and Feeder mask in PAYDAY 2 based on the horror game Dead by Daylight!
Finally, unlock the exclusive Planetary Tomb Guardian mask in PAYDAY 2! Support our friends at Hourences and Grip Games, creators of the new sci-fi survival game The Solus Project! Join The Solus Project community group on Steam and gain access to the mask:
Update size: 1.0GB
- Removed the trunk interaction icon on the Falcogini
- Increased the sound memory allocation to avoid a crash
- Fixed an issue where the assault phase would not get disabled if captain winters would be killed before he got fully assembled on the level
Birth of Sky
- Plane doors can now be opened from both directions
Branch Bank
- Fixed so players can’t throw bags behind the bookshelf in the copier room
Hotline Miami Day 1
- Fixed an issue where the helicopter would appear in the parking lot
Murky Station
- The alarm will not be activated multiple times
Rats Day 3
- Added missing Loot drop-off waypoint on the helicopter
- The gas can will not be interactable through the container wall
The Diamond
- Added missing Loot-drop off waypoint on the van
Ukranian Job and Jewelry Store
- Fixed a graphical issue with a background building
- Added collisions to block the player from being able to throw the loot bags where they can’t be retrieved
Cook Off
- Moved escape zone it is not extending behind the van
Beneath the Mountain
- Added a collision to block the player from being able to leave the level
- Added a collision to block the player from being able to see outside of the level
- Fixed an issue where the effects of the basic version and aced version of Martial Arts skill was reversed
- Added a safety check for the bulletstorm skill to avoid crashes
- Stockholm Syndrome requires you to press the jump key to trigger to avoid unwanted activation
- Fixed the damage reduction of the Frenzy skill to correctly be 30% less damage
- Shotgun Impact: Basic will give a 5% damage increase instead of 10%
- Shotgun Impact: Aced will give a 10% damage increase instead of 5%
- The Sentry Guns will now have a red outline when out of ammo but not destroyed
- Fixed an issue where the weapon could disappear when using the Empty Hand Kata melee weapon
- Sentry guns can now properly eject empty casings
- Fixed an issue that blocked players from picking up sentry guns if suppressed sentry guns are equipped as the deployable
- Throwables will now bounce on Captain Winters so he can no longer walk away with them
OVERKILL – a Starbreeze Studio.
Via: Steam Community