PAYDAY 2: Update 108 is live and we introduce Hoxton's Housewarming Party!

Update 108 is live along with the reveal of Hoxton’s Housewarming Party! To get you in the right party mood, Hoxton has arranged for special party hats to be given out heisters around the world. If you want a party hat, talk to your local PAYDAY 2 Community Moderator, check the PAYDAY subreddit or log onto twitter and check your go-to PAYDAY personality – they will do giveaways from time to time! We’ll do many giveaways of these party hats leading up to the main event that starts October 7th, so don’t worry, there’ll be plenty of opportunities for you to get your hands on a party hat!
More information about Hoxton’s Housewarming Party will be revealed on October 7th! Check out the website here meanwhile: Hoxton’s Housewarming Party! []
In addition, if you want a chance to get something you made yourself into PAYDAY 2 check out this community contest: Operation McEndrick! []
While we’re at it, why not go live with another safe? This time it’s Chain’s turn to show what kind of weapon finishes he likes.
There’s 16 unique weapon skins available in the Chains safe. We also have a bunch of bug fixes for you guys, for more info check out the changelog below!
Update size: 720Mb
- Fixed cases where new hit indicators would show the player as being shot from the wrong direction
- Fixed a crash that was related to tabbing in and out of the game
- Fixed an issue where you could place tripmines on cloaker vent even if the vent lid already had fallen off
- Fixed an issue where the ban list wouldn’t save
- Fixed an issue where a banned player got unbanned if he was banned in the lobby
- Fix secondary deployable being shown in loadout without the skill
- The ban list will show for clients as well
- Quickplay will longer connect to banned players
- Fix issue where hidden skilltree box would show when scrolling in a box
- Fix armor visuals remaining on other profile slots when resetting progress
- Removed the "Ruler" pattern from the loot drop
- The Floral Thrust skin will appear in-game as Rare instead of Epic
- Fixed weapons becoming invisible if downed while switching weapons
- Fixed an issue where projectiles that got stuck on immortal NPCs could not be retrieved
- Fixed an issue where the reloading animation was not canceled correctly when jumping
- Ilija will no longer shoot converted enemies
- Fix so that the second equipment gets hidden when hiding the tab
- Changed spelling on Joceline Shotgun
- Added text for front sight for Cavity 9mm
- Fix issue with increased reload speed on china puff
- Fixed issue where windows that got shot with HE rounds got cracked but lost their collision
- Fixed two magazines that was clipping with the AK5
- Added textual warning to mods that are incompatible with other mods
- When modding a weapon the stats list will correctly show stat changes for any mods that get removed by the new mod
- Resolved issue where akimbo SMGs didn’t contribute to the 100 SMG kills challenge
- Trip mines will start in sensor mode while in stealth and will switch to explosive mode when the heist goes loud
- Added collision on a concrete wall
- Fixed issue where the saw would block bullets
Big Bank
- Breaking the glass on the roof now triggers the alarm
- Moved some objects that hovered in the air
- Fixed a pillar that was missing collision
- Removed unnecessary collision in the vault
Big Oil
- Fixed the texture on the pressure gauge so it won’t be down scaled on lower settings
Biker Heist
- Replaced graffiti texture
Birth of Sky
- Fixed a material on objects that were missing textures
Boiling Point
- Fixed issue where the shield that falls from the turret had the wrong texture
- Fixed materials on some objects that were missing textures
Goat Simulator
- Fixed issue where you could get stuck in the semi-trucks present on both days
Go Bank
- Removed Almir singing from the subtitle
Hotline Miami
- Changed the bag limit on day 2 so players can secure all available bags
Murky Station
- Removed the option to select loud tactic
- Potential fix for a client crash on day 3
Shadow Raid
- Removed the option to select loud tactic
White Xmas
- Modified the collision for a pine tree to avoid players getting stuck
- Fixed a crash when switching profiles containing certain skills (desperado or saw massacre)
- Fixed Martial Arts so it activates correctly
- Fixed how long Nimble will be active from 26s to 25s
- Fixed an issue with the Unseen Strike timer never running out
- Fixed issue where the reload animation was incorrectly canceled when the player stopped running when using Parkour: Ace
- Fixed an issue where the animation would not correctly go back to running when using Parkour: Ace
- Fixed an issue where the reloading action was canceled during running if the player jumped even when using Parkour: Ace
- Fixed an issue where Trigger Happy could activate when using throwables
- Changed description of Nimble from 50% to 100%
- Changed description of Hostage Taker to specify that converts of teammates does not apply
- Removed incorrect mention of threat in the description of Disturbing The Peace
- Changed description of Fast and Furious to mentions that it can’t be triggered by throwables
- Added folders for base gradients etc. when creating a new skin only textures from their folders will be loaded for the different skin parts
- Added a way to convert old skins to the new file layout in production builds
- Added the Chains safe to the Steam Market and Card Loot Drop
Talk soon!
OVERKILL – a Starbreeze Studio.
Via: Steam Community