Enter the PAYDAY 2 Gungeon!

We’re proud to announce our collaboration with our Gungeoneer friends at Dodge Roll. You like guns? Fast-pace is the only pace you know? Lockpicking is easy cake and you enjoy shooting your way through a bullet-hell?
Well, in that case you should definitely check out “Enter the Gungeon”. They just received a fresh delivery of Drills, Money Bags and Masks! Put your Mask on and spawn a little heister that will help you fight the waves of enemies while you drill those chests and get the hell out of there with your extra loot bags!
You love Enter the Gungeon but don’t want to leave PAYDAY 2? No problem! You and your Crew can now Heist as the Marine, the Cultist, the Robot or the one, true Bullet. If that is not enough, feel free to collect all 4 fitting Trophies for your Safe House like a real fanboy!
Last but not least we’d like to share this beautiful piece of art with you Heisters!
Enter the Gungeon PAYDAY 2 Wallpaper[www.paydaythegame.com]
Stay awesome,
OVERKILL – a Starbreeze Studio.
Via: Steam Community