PAYDAY 2: Update 171 – Achievement Milestones

With 900+ achievements it’s time to reward those of you who always walk the extra mile. Those of you who aim for the stars and can’t stop before they unlocked them all. Today we extend the Achievement Interface with Milestones that reward not only Continental coins but also new Mega Masks.
The Achievement Milestones come with 5 new Mega Masks that just to get unlocked. Do you want to wear the face of Famine or do you rather see yourself as a Conqueror, Tormentor, Arch Nemesis or Rad Mutant? It doesn’t matter, you have to work to get your hands on these beauties.
Good hunting,
OVERKILL – a Starbreeze Studio.
Update size: 195.4 Mb
- Fixed shield strafe animation issue
- Fixed 2 subtitle strings that didn’t match the VO on TRANSPORT: Train Heist
- Fixed some grammar errors in the subtitles on Reservoir Dogs Day 1
- Corrected a typo in the Navy Beanie mask description
- Updated some civilian models
- Fixed issues with armor skins disappearing in menu
- Added multithreaded frustum culling which should improve rendering performance if you have more than 2 cores
Via: Steam Community