October 27 2018 - 5:24 pm

Below The Surface

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Strange things are happening around the world while Rachel Riggs from CNM digs into her new found clues. As the world stunned by what happened in the south pacific she steadfast follows her leads. Find out more: BREAKING NEWS[www.paydaythegame.com]

Design your own PAYDAY T-shirt

Today’s activity is a contest to design a PAYDAY 2 themed t-shirt. It could be a meme, artwork, anything artistic that can go on a shirt! The contest will end on the 4th of November at 8 PM CEST. To keep things easy to check, we created an own thread on the Steam Forums: T-Shirt Contest!

Now is the time to gift your friends a life of crime while PAYDAY 2 is 50%, and PAYDAY 2: Ultimate Edition is 85% off! Do the Crime, Not the Time!

OVERKILL – a Starbreeze Studio.

Update 190.2 Changelog

Update size: 6.6 Mb


  • Hell’s Island – Fixed that the bridge lever doesn’t work if players use C4 to open the door
  • Increased the ammo pick up rate for the new release M13 Pistol

Via: Steam Community

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