PAYDAY 2: Coming price changes for certain regions

Some of you have noticed not being able to participate in the ongoing PAYDAY 2 sale, or might have heard from friends that they are having issues. The most common issue is that items on sale are available and visible, but the buy-button is grayed out.
This is due to a recent change in Steam’s pricing policy that changed the minimum acceptable price of any piece of content on the Steam Store to $0.99 as standard, or $0.49 on sale.. This limit is the same, in USD, regardless of what currency you make your actual purchase in.
These problems are particularly noticeable in heavily discounted bundles, something we use often to discount PAYDAY 2. When one of the DLCs in a bundle costs less than the minimum limit of $0.49 on sale, the whole bundle will become unavailable for purchase.
If you’d like to know more about how this works, start with the blog post linked above!
Due to this, we’ll need to raise the prices of our DLCs in certain regions to ensure that the bundles are purchasable and that we can set the discounts at the levels we want going forward.
We wanted to let you know ahead of time, to give you a chance to purchase the DLCs you want at their current price if possible. If not, they should be available for their regular, non-discounted price for a short period of time before the base price is increased.
There’s no one answer since it’s very likely many regions will see some minor change. Smaller changes may occur even in regions where the issues aren’t as readily apparent. We also expect a few DLCs to get lower prices as part of this change, but assume you guys are cool with that.
Going forward, we’ll mostly rely on the standard pricing matrix provided by Valve. Doing so will “normalize” the price of PAYDAY 2 when compared to other titles on the platform. More information here.
The countries we know for a fact will see an increase are Turkey and Argentina who have been having issues related to this for an extended period.
If the issues mentioned above have been relevant anywhere, it’s been the Infamous Collection.
In this brand new bundle, we collected all available PAYDAY 2 DLC at a permanent 52% discount. This setup caused some of the DLCs to fall below the $1 limit for a number of regions, prompting us to expedite these pricing changes.
We apologize for the inconvenience, our goal is to change as little as possible while making the game available for more people.