Operation Medic Bag: Blog Update #3 – The Initial Focus
Let’s talk about the initial focus! We went out with this list when we first announced Operation Medic Bag. We wanted to go into some detail about a few of these topics that have created discussions in and around the PAYDAY world.
Today’s blog is about the initial focus, aka the things that didn’t have a description in the original post. The bigger topics, like DLC pricing, UE5, the new matchmaking and challenge system warrant their own blog posts. Some of these are already in the works, while others are being ironed out, meaning we will be delving deeper into those topics in the near future.
For now though, let’s go through and explain the initial focus in a little more detail.
Out of the features on the list, with the Unready function mended, Controller Improvements and Rotating Stealth Modifiers, these were in the February update. So for this blog we’ll instead focus on the things that created a bit of discussion and try to clarify those first.
We’ll skip things that seem self-explanatory, like vote kick, loadout renaming and quickplay. We haven’t seen many questions on those, but let us know if there’s anything we missed and should include and we’ll happily go into more detail in a future blog.
Play Again Feature
This feature simply lets you choose to restart the heist you just played on the same difficulty with the same people again. Helpful if you want to repeatedly play the same heist.
Daily Activities with Rewards
With this feature we hope to give players a bit more incentive to try something they might not otherwise think to try. Every day, players will be presented with 3 missions. The missions are designed to be completed in 2-3 heists, and doing so will award Infamy Points and C-Stacks.
This feature together with Mask of the Week is something we hope we’ll be able to expand and adjust based on player feedback, so let us know what you think once you’ve got a feel for them.
Mask Vendor with Rotating Inventory
Since the time we announced Operation Medic Bag, the name we’ve settled on is “Mask of the Week”. As the name suggests, we’ll be creating a number of new customizable masks and putting them into the mask vendor’s inventory on a rotating schedule.
The masks will be available at a heavily discounted C-Stack price while in rotation. Once they’ve rotated a few times, all masks will be made available on-demand for their regular price from the mask vendor, and new masks will enter rotation.

Work in progress example, not a final product.
Player Merging into Party Post Match
When playing with a random group of people, you’ll have the opportunity to choose to stay together. All players who vote to stick together will be put in a party. If you don’t vote to stick together you’ll go back to the menu as you normally would.
This has now been added in Update 1.1.3!
Communication Wheel Improvements v1
With this one we seek to cover some of the holes in the current communication wheel. We’ll add more relevant options helping you better communicate with your team and understand their needs in turn.
Recurring Smaller Content Drops
This is a commitment from our end to release content in smaller increments and updates instead of holding off for the larger bundles like we have until now. Exactly how this will play out is undecided at this stage, but our goal is to provide more reason to check in with PAYDAY 3 more often.
Thank you for joining us this week, we hope it answered your questions on these Initial Focus topics. For next week Game Director Mio will dive into more detail regarding the next skill line coming to PAYDAY 3, we hope to see you then!