PAYDAY 3: Update 1.5.0 Changelog — First World Bank
Free Legacy Heist First World Bank

First World Bank is back again in PAYDAY 3!
Experience this classic heist in its reimagined glory, inviting nostalgia for old school players and a fresh experience for new heisters.
The stealth version takes players through the bank, making clever use of an insider to gain access to the vault. In loud, players first drill the security door, located in 1 of 2 randomized locations. Once inside, players need to burn their way through a floor to gain access to the cash and make a break for it through the wall to the neighboring building and making their escape.
First World Bank is available as FREE DLC for all players!
First World Bank Soundtrack - Pressure Point
In addition, our new track "Pressure Point" is available for pre-save on all good streaming services, and will be available at 3:00 pm CET on December 12th!
Additional Free Content
New Cosmetics
We're also adding extra free cosmetics for all players:
- Multiple New Mask Patterns
- Multiple New Weapon Skins
- Teddy Moo Outfit & Mask
Christmas themed Twitch Drops
A brand new set of Drops are available, and you can earn them by watching PAYDAY 3 Streams on Twitch!
Tune into your favorite streamers as they take on First World Bank & other heists and unlock cosmetic drops for yourself, or let your viewers earn drops as you heist!
Leaderboards Webpage
PAYDAY 3 is getting leaderboards! There are two boards, one tracking kills, the other tracking secured bags.
We wanted to give players a chance to measure up to their counterparts, and thought this was a good start. It gives the competitive minded heisters in our community a goal to strive towards.
The boards live on a dedicated website that resets every week, so there’ll be 52 chances to rise to the top of the heisting world, and get the credit that such an accomplishment deserves, naturally. We hope to iterate on the leaderboards, so let us know what you’d like to see in the future!
You’ll be able to see the top ten players in addition to your own ranking. To participate, you need to choose to opt-in to leaderboards. You can sort that out by logging in to our website using your Nebula-ID.
Changes to Installation Files
We've reordered the game files. This means a one-time larger-than-usual download, but it will, in exchange, help us make future installs smaller.
Favors now drop in groups instead of randomly. The groups are:
- Rock the Cradle - Fear & Greed - Under the Surphaze - Touch the Sky
- Road Rage - 99 Boxes - Cook Off - Boys in Blue
- No Rest for the Wicked - Gold & Sharke - Syntax Error - First World Bank
- Diamond District - Turbid Station - Dirty Ice - Houston Breakout
New Crosshair Settings
Additional Crosshair Settings are now available, allowing you to tweak it even further than before.
Weapon Balancing
This patch we are continuing the weapon balancing. A main topic for this patch has been shotguns. The spread of the shotguns pellets have gotten a much more reliable design, they will create more similar patterns each time compared to before. They also have more pellets per shot to make it easier to hit with enough pellets to secure a kill.
The slower shotguns will also shred through the target and hit up to one more target behind the first one to make shotguns good at shooting at groups of swats.
- The FIK22 and the NWB9 have had their long awaited buffs now. With the right skill selection the FIK22 should now be able to one shot with a well placed bullet to the helmet of any SWAT. The damage output for the NWB9 should also be a bit higher, while also being easier to control when holding down the shoot button.
- A114 is getting some more recoil that makes it look a bit more powerful that also at the same time makes it a bit tricky to control when shooting fast bursts.
- NWB9: increased headshot multipliers across several distances, increased armor pen, decreased horizontal recoil and recoil pattern reset time to allow for more controlled bursts and get those headshots more reliably.
- A114: increased iron sight magnification, reduced spread across all stances, increased recoil.
- FIK22: reduced recoil, reduced spread across all stances, increased iron sight magnification, increased damage and HS multiplier.
- CASTIGO44: adjusted recoil and camera shake look and feel, increased damage and headshot multiplier across several ranges
- MOSCONI12: increased pellet count, removed armor pen, increased target penetration count, increased recoil, removed spray patterns, unified shotgun spread, adjustments to pellet spread to make this more efficient at range compared to other shotguns.
- R880: increased pellet count, increased damage closeup, increased target penetration count, increased recoil, removed spray patterns, unified shotgun spread. increased reload speed.
- FSA12: increased pellet count, increased damage closeup, increased recoil, removed spray patterns, unified shotgun spread
- M7P: increased pellet count, increased recoil, removed spray patterns, unified shotgun spread
- TAS12: reduced armor pen, increased target penetration count, increased damage closeup, reduced recoil, removed spray patterns, unified shotgun spread
Known Issues
- Weapons can now say they are at the max level, even at level 1. However, the weapons will upgrade correctly as it's a visual glitch.
- On Gold & Sharke: If you fail to use the blue keycard during the timer that starts after activating the managers computer the PC cannot be interacted with again, this means that stealth progression is blocked if you don't succeed on the first attempt.
- Corrected the rescaling of longer text strings, most noticable on localized text stings (i.e. on hackable computer screens)
- Fixed a UI issue caused by pausing the game while objectives are changing
- Fixed a UI issue caused by pausing the game while lockpicking
- Fixed a Solo Mode UI issue where the heist time and difficulty were missing before the cinematic intro
- Inaccurate renown levels no longer display in lobbies
- Lobbies from blocked players no longer appear in the server browser
- Added missing magnification details to the Square Claim and Light Holographic sights descriptions
- Changed the megaphone event attentuation so First Responders no longer make a loud high-pitched sound effect when killed
- Added missing sounds for reloading and inspecting the Jackknife SE5 pistol
- Chains can now call out to Hoxton during stealth gameplay
- Fixed an issue where some Bullkick 500 revolver mods would not cast shadows on the main menu character models
- Fixed an issue where shield SWATs could get stuck on ziplines while receiving Crew AI damage
- Arges OVK Minigun has been tweaked to allow more utility features while being carried: instant loot can now be picked up, unlocked doors and windows can be opened, and ziplines can now be ridden
- Improved AI guard behavior so seeing broken props while in search mode don't distract, unless they hear something new breaking during their search
- Fixed a rare bug where guards could be seen walking backwards
- Updated "Inside Man" civilian behavior so they don't react negatively to masked up players
- Crew AI can now revive each other
Technical Changes
- Updated Dec 18th, 2024: Fixed the constant stuttering experienced by Xbox Series X|S players who have a large number of friends in their friends list.
- Updated Dec 18th, 2024: Fixed the issue on Xbox Series X|S where the player's weapons would sometimes disappear.
- VoIP is now off by default.
- If you’ve already played before this update – you’ll keep that same setting you have currently.
- Enabled 2 temporary solutions for the loading-time issue:
- We’ve temporarily re-enabled the quick fix some players were using to alleviate the loading time bug – you can manually uncheck DLCs; it may help reduce the load times for some players.
- We’re adding telemetry to help us identify and resolve the issue. If you are experiencing this bug, please consider turning telemetry on, even if temporarily.
- Added a more descriptive message when joining a full server via server-browser
- Fixed an issue where a network error message could occur if the current heist was restarted while players were in the process of joining the lobby
- Fixed an issue where Xbox players with restricted cross-platform communication weren't allowed to use interaction wheel
- Enabled a tonemapper vignette setting across all post process quality levels, making sure the Crimenet menu always looks the same for all players
- Dual Sense and Dual Shock controllers now have improved PC support in terms of vibrations
- Tweaked certain controller vibrations to be less intense, and more closely match other platforms
- Updated the menu UI flow so players can accept received friend requests from the search window player list as well
- Improved how friend requests react to the players blocking each other before trying to accept the request
- Fixed an issue where some languages' screen text would appear vertical instead of horizontal when the control room computer got sabotaged by cops
- Tools and deployables now get destroyed, if placed inside AI spawn when their doors are closed
- Made sure some shoelaces no longer escape from their shoe prisons (fixed so shoelaces are attached to the shoes)
- Loot outlines should now be easier to spot if there's glass in front of them
- Fixed an issue where secondary weapons could get stuck at a weapon exp value outside the level range, causing stuck progression
- Fixed an issue where the "buy more weapon slots" button could disappear
- Strangely high renown level numbers now behave as intended again
- Fixed a rare issue where Crew AI could start following each other in an endless loop, rather than walking to the player
- Previously lost cosmetics masks that the player owns should no longer get lost again
- Having "too many friends" no longer cause any game stutterings
- Fixed some PS5 players having a broken weapon inventory, where weapons would sometimes disappear even though they had bought them correctly
- Various VOIP related issues have been fixed, such as: Players who had left a heist could still be heard in the heist from their main menu, changing the "Enable VOIP" setting in the main menu didn't take effect inside heists after, one person turning off VOIP inside a heist would disable it for all players and trying to turn it back on didn't work unless the first person did it
- Friends that are just starting the game will no longer switch back and forth between online and offline states in the friends list, causing unnecessary spam
Skill Changes
- Cameras hacked with 'Routed Ping' now correctly mark AI for the intended 5 seconds, rather than 3 seconds, after the AI leaves the camera view
Multiple Heists
- Additional heists now have the new foam extinguishers present
Dirty Ice
- Updated some props inside the locked jewelry room to avoid them popping in and out in the player's view
Under the Surphaze
- Adjusted a graphical issue where some graphical settings would cause Z-fighting textures on the scanner tool
- Sniper can no longer shoot through rooftop walls
- Altered the collision on some plants in room E6 to make platform jumping easier, so players aren't pushed into the floor sensors by mistake
Gold & Sharke
- Added additional bag collision to prevent critical bags from being thrown out of bounds in some staircases
- Corrected the bathroom stall door interaction location
- Missing interior from adjacent building has been readded
Rock the Cradle
- Removed a prop that caused clipping with a critical laptop in the office next to the bottom floor bar
- Preplanning zipline now works as intended again
- First Responder vehicles should no longer be bouncing
99 Boxes
- Updated the sniper locations on the warehouse rooftop
Boys in Blue
- Fixed an issue where Crew AI could get stuck in a truck while trying to climb on top of it
- Moved a trash bin to no longer clip inside a desk on the upper floor
- Fixed a visual issue where players could be seen floating in mid-air on top of car lifts in the garage
- Removed a floating window glass pane from over the police station roof
Turbid Station
- Fixed a visual issue where the train tracks looked like they were vibrating
- Fixed a rare issue where the SSD would not allow entrance to the train vault
Houston Breakout
- Fixed an issue where players could get stuck on a vent leading to the garage
- Fixed an issue where the grenades could pass through reinforced glass windows in the clerk office area
- Fixed an issue where objectives could get stuck if the basement guard escorting Houston got killed at specific timings
- Fixed a counting issue where objectives could break if the camera guard would leave the room, when trying to clear the holding cells of guards to facilitate Houston's escape
Fear & Greed
- Circuit breakers, control panel screen, and TVs now turn off when EMP is activated
- Fixed an issue where civilian NPCs wouldn't react to broken windows
- Changed doors near ground floor entrance to be opaque
Diamond District
- Fixed an issue where the player could push an NPC through a wall
- Fixed an issue where some of the display cases were missing their locks
- Fixed an issue where an enemy AI spawn elevator would open if approached by the player
- SWAT AI should no longer get stuck inside garage door spawn, or other other areas
- Updated a workshop window to be easier to vault through from the outside
- Fixed so AI no longer get stuck in each store and actually pursue the players properly across the heist environment