So REVEALTHECORRUPTION contacted me earlier and said the shit is abboyut to go down, but I didn’t really catch everything causre I think he was on a train or somethgin.
I’m feeling super stressed right now, I see black vans everywhere and people ins suit following me. Obvisoulty I’m getting closer and closer. And thanks to your all police reports I can really pinpiont what eht clowns have been up to! I can’t wait fo what he’ll send me.
This is so fucking intesne and fucking shit! Stay Vigilant and Stay Protected!
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Hell yeah! Hope the G-Men won’t catch ya!
Mayby the clowns want you to join them, or the FBI and Clowns want to silence you, anyways STAY SAFE DUDE
It’s getting too dangerous. Better leave the country ASAP
I think clowns can do something criminal today, be vigilant
Maybe its MIB? Or its government clowns? Anyway, i hope you stay alive
Careful mate they could be after you literally you migth die be careful dude!
Oh crap.
I hope you have something to protect yourself with.
Be careful man
In the middle of midnight? Dang, thats straight out of a movie bro..
Can’t wait for your discoveries dude !
Best of luck!
im crapping my pants rn
I’m wishing you luck, man
Can’t wait my dudes
Hope you stay safe, the truth needs to be exposed and it seems the FBI want to hide it.
This is our time
“Oh well you know ‘bout the autmm…when the leaves start falling down…”
How dude you need to calm down man that is starting to get really dangerous.
Shit dude, Here’s to hoping you won’t die or anything. You never know what you have until you lose everything, after all.
I think you should really back out of this man…i don’t like where this is headed
They’re trying to stop the truth. Make sure to show them that that ain’t gonna fly.
Also be careful
People have the right to know the truth! Good luck dude.
Can you get a closer look?
don’t you dare die on me man
Look man, I know we’re all about just blowing the whistle and everything but you NEED to bring some sort of gun with you, not to kill them, but be ready to end yourself in case they catch you. you CANT allow them to know what you know, think of your responsibility
Shit, something’s coming, i suggest you all stay in your homes for now, this could be extremely serious
Get out of the country or if you got steel in your balls stay and see what these guys have to say, either way, best of luck to you.
You absolutely sure you’ve been posting behind seven proxies right? Stay safe friend.
What is your theory?