Getting closer!!
I’m still in some kind of goddamn shock after this! My guy really pulled through. So what’s the connection between the clowns and Garrett?! Are they moles maybe?
Yeah, I man, as you know, this isn’t the first time that the government has used criminals to do their dirty work. Everybody blames the mobs for everything, but go deeper, see who runs the mob! They are all just puppets, organized crime myass. More like organized white house! The mob is just a front, every time that someone needs to be taken out or a problems solved. They call some mobsters. JFK and that whole thing really came close on exposing what some suits in a rooms on capitol hill decided. But then they managed to pin it on one lonely weirdo.
Nothing could be further from the real truth. JFK was just a hit ordered by some general and executed by mobsters. As always. And now they are doing it again.
Could that “Mr. America” clown be working for Garrett? It seems weird, I mean he did shoot the camera, but why else are they inside the FBI HQ? You don’t go there unless you’re like invited?
How long has this been going on? I’ll get back to you son!!! Stay Vigilant and Stay Protected!
Categorised in: Posts
Oh boy that’s huge, keep going bro
you are involving in something that yer shouldn’t be yer problem mate
can someone translate that to english
Its actually connected to the Golden Grin Casino in ´Vegas, where the Clowns got a Weird Box like in Garrets Safe. SO Vegas/The Dentist is connected to the Elephant
I agree, there’s no other conclusion that can really be drawn here
K… keep us posted.
your post to keep us posted has been posted
The plot thickens!
This is turning into one huge circus act!
That’s pretty deep fam
Life is rather boring without mystery…
That’s dangerous! You are safe? Please say something more!
Looks like the circus will catch on fire soon
O, man. The truth will be told soon. And everything shall be clear.
Calling it now, the secret is inside the whitehouse! The final heist will be stealing something big from inside the whitehouse! Those fuckers are hiding something.
Baldwin was secretly a president!
You wish
This entire thing feels fake dude, just stop lying about the government. They don’t work with the clows; I mean how would Trump be able to keep quiet?
Garrett… you are acting very suspicious…
Holy crap dude! It just makes sense now!
Keep it up…I guess
Hmm this story goes deeper.
I would want to see where all this ends up
Wasn’t it the half and half one that shot the camera and not mister america?
JFK is behind it all!
sometimes im sad, but when i read these posts i become happy! keep it up!
Well damn, things are heating up down there!
Woah moma
Pfft, you guys still believe in the FBI? Wake up sheeple.
It’s all just a ploy to distract us while they take our shoes and put listening devices in them!!!
Sounds like GARRETT is the REAL CLOWN here!!!
I can’t believe the government is using those clowns! We need to expose this!
Wait are these comments actually made by real people?
Of course man! We gotta work this out before the feds shut this place down.
This is crazy – what are the Clowns doing in the FBI HQ? Didn’t they hit that place before, when they busted out that one guy?
Most of the time, yeah, but people like to play along.
Yeah, obviously!
i don’t know
No, everyone here except you is a bot
Looks like everyone without exception is a bot.
This is pretty intense dude.
Stop with this fake shit man, fbi doesn’t exist, they are part of the Illuminati
The clowns didn’t seem to be welcome in the FBI HQ, so I doubt they’re working with them. Rumor has it they stole another one of those weird golden boxes from the place, like the one they found in Vegas. Keep us updated, this is getting interesting.
I have been watching their activities ever since they first started in new york and they would never work for a corrupt government because they fight against such evil. why would you be spreading false information.
Don’t get too close Skeptic_Guy!
We need more proof! What else can you show us to prove this isn’t staged?!
Doesn’t the government want to hide its secrets? I have a feeling that the Brooklyn job those damn clowns pulled has something to do with the government hiding something. No way you raid a vault and leave the money unless someone important hid something there.
Uh… you sure it was the clowns? Cause idk dude, that footage was kinda unclear. I think they were just smudges on the camera or something. I don’t think it’s really worth looking into.
Doing gods work my dude!! Stil cant belive how corupted our system is smh my head
I can’t wait for the secret to be revealed
There’s got to be some form of chance that some foreign power could be behind this. Now, this might just be tinfoil hat material, but what if… hear me out now… what if it was like China or North Korea?
This is getting intense
Stop clowning around and do something! I mean, they could be gov. Pawns, but what’s the chance? Gather your best soldiers and take them OUT!!!1!11!!
lol lets get this hyped
What if the FBI and the “Mr.America” guy is really just trying to plan out something very big…
Maaan, this is some ol’e bullshit.